2017 Bookish Resolutions & #Giveaway

It's 2017 which mean's it is time for some bookish resolutions. Now I have to admit I am not very good at resolutions or bookish challenges so I don't really tend to take part in any, however I do have a few goals I want to share with you all, that I do want to try and meet, hopefully, maybe. I am really starting of positive here (Sarcasm). Any way here are some of my bookish goals 2017!!

I have taken part in the Goodreads Challenge for the last three or four years and I think I have meant my goal once. This year I didn't meet my goal of 100 books, like I didn't meet it last year either. I got to 80 books this year which is great I think...

This year I am going to do the Goodreads Challenge again and go for ... 100 books!! I am going to try to meet it, hopefully this year is the year.

I started taking #bookstagram photos back in May this year and have really enjoyed it. This year I want to continue doing that and try to be posting regularly on my account. If you want to follow me my user name is megan_readingawaythedays 

Now the only "challenge" I am actually taking part in is the Throwback Book Club created by author Adam Silvea. It is basically  a book club where you read any book you want that's on your TBR but the only rule is that the book can't be published in the year you read it. It seems really laided back and a really good way to get books of my TBR. For more info click here and to check out Throwback Book Club Book Tag I did click here

So this kinda goes with the book club above. This year I wanted to read a book a month of my bookshelf that I have wanted to read for so long and the challenge just happened to come in handy. I will have a post up on Thursday of all about the Twelve Books I need to read in 2017.

So that's it! Just a few little personal bookish goals I want to meet. In the spirit of a new year, and new books. I decided to have a giveaway!

Giveaway Entry Rules:

*The winner gets to pick (1) new release of 2017 or pre- order if it's not out yet. In any genre

I have a list of January releases am excited for here and Ten Books I am excited for in 2017 if you need help deciding 

*It has to be £12 or under

*It will ship from Book Depository so please check it can be shipped to your country therefore giveaway is International

*Giveaway Ends 31st January 2017


  1. i want to get upto date in my favourites series ( got behind since i nearly couldn't read in 2016) and i want to read more regulary
    thank you a lot for this generius giveaway

  2. I'm still holding out for THE WINDS OF WINTER by George RR Martin. Come on George.

    1. Lol I think we will be waiting a long time to come!

  3. I don't do challenges either, except for the GR one (I also am going for 100 books!), but I have some goals too. Reading certain specific books I've been saying I want to read but haven't gotten around to is also one of them! (Kinda like your 12 books one.) Good luck with your goals!

    1. Yay I hope you meet your Goodreads goal. I struggle every year but I am going go make this year the year!

  4. I'm hoping to read more physical books this year. I hope I can do it. ^_^

    1. Good luck :) mine is kinda the opposite where in want to read more on my kindle LOL. I always find I red a faster on it for some strange reason.

  5. i'm trying to widen my book horizon and read books that i normally wouldn't pick up

    1. Good luck it's great to step out of your comfort zone sometimes.

  6. Those are great resolutions! I like the idea of the Throwback challenge - kind of like the backlist challenge that a few bloggers are running. I want to read more backlist titles this year too. The Goodreads challenge is always my go-to! I haven't decided if I want to join any more, besides that one. I don't have too many other blogger resolutions, though I have a few personal ones. =) Best of luck with the resolutions!

    Happy New Year, Megan. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Thank you. I am really excited for the throwback challenge. Goodreads is alwAys my main goal.

  7. Looking forward to some new crime novels!

  8. After having my little girl I don't get to read as much anymore but my New's Resolution is to go to bed earlier to read at least 10/20 pages a book.

    1. I hope you get to read a little before going to bed. :)

  9. I need to catch up on several series. Iron Druid series by Hearne will probably be my first one to get caught up on.

  10. The books I'm most excited for are ACOWAR and The Confessions of Noah Shaw <3

    1. I only found out about The Confessions of Noah Shaw I still need to finish that series.

  11. To read some great thrillers to keep me guessing

  12. I want to finally finish some series & Trilogies - Like Richelle Mead's Bloodlines series, Kings Cage, and Dawn study... and I want to start the lunar chronicles! Thanks for the chance :)

    1. I loved the bloodlines series I hope you get to it. I also want to start the lunar chronicles.

  13. Great goals. I reall like how clear youve managed to make them. My resolutions are to read more diverse books and to start/finish some of the popular series I'm behind on. Oh, and to keep up with my NetGalley account better.

    1. Thank you :) I can never keep up with my netgalley account it's a nightmare lol

  14. I want to try and get through some of the books I own, I tend to sometimes forget them in favour of getting books out from the library!

  15. Hi, Megan! :)
    Great resolutions! They're not too many, and they're easy to achieve AND enjoy at the same time. Some people forget that the whole point here is reading and having fun while doing it, and set ridiculous goals that they never get to reach. Good luck with yours! Btw, I love spending time looking at bookstagram photos, so I'll definitely check out your account ;)
    Just like you, I don't have many bookish goals for this year. However, I do want to read more classics - Jane Austen has been waiting for me for a long, long time ^^ And more books in English, not only to practise my language skills - I speak in Spanish, but also to keep up with the new releases coming out every month. And boy, do we have some great ones! I'm particularly excited about Caraval, ACOWAR *of course* and Spindle fire ♥
    Have a wonderful 2017! And good luck with your bookish goals!

    PS: and thank you so much for the giveaway ^^

    1. I totally agree sometimes too many reading goals tale away from the fun of it. I would love to read more classics,Jane Eyre being one. I really need to read Sarah J Mass's books ASAP!!Good luck with your goals.

  16. I'm just going to comment my most anticipated 2017 book releases. They are History is all you left me and goodbye days.

  17. My resolutions are to complete my Goodreads reading challenge and at least read 80 books thus year.

  18. Really excited as TWO of my favourite authors have books out this year. Ashes To Ashes by Paul Finch and The Caller by Chris Carter will be amazing if their other books are anything to go by. :)

  19. My bookish resolution is to only read one book at a time, I'm terrible for reading 2 or 3 at a time. I'm really excited for King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard this year!

  20. I really want to read as many diverse books as possible & I'm most excited for Caraval! ^^

  21. My book resolutions this year are to read at least 1 book a week. I am really looking forward to The One Memory of Flora Banks by Emily Barr. I have read all her previous novels and thoroughly enjoyed them.

  22. I love reading but didn't get much chance to last year. Determined to get more reading time this year!

  23. I just want to make more time to read, I always seem to be doing something else and take an absolute age to read a book from start to finish x

  24. I'm not very good at resolutions either! That's why I always keep it simple. Like this year, for example. For 2017, my one resolution is to read at least 10 books from my TBR list =)
    I wish you a great year, Megan! xx
